Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 So Far

  Well, we're 2 weeks in to 2013 and my resolutions are...well, they're coming along is what they're doing. I added a resolution to be more patient with my children and not raise my voice as much. That one I'm doing much better on. Anytime I feel myself start to get impatient and start to get upset, I stop for a second, take a breath, lower my voice, and talk slower so I keep calm. My resolution to get my organized and be a better housewife is the one that I'm still working on. This will be one I have to work on the entire year, I know.  I made some great progress the first few days, then I majorly slacked off for a week. Yesterday, I started getting back on the right track.

  I'm committed to taking 30 minutes, first thing once L is off to school, to do dishes or straighten up. This week, since I'm playing catch up, will require more than 30 minutes, but I know myself. If I force myself to do nothing but clean when I first get home, I'll do like a room, maybe 2, then I'll burn out. I'll sit down to "take a break" and then I'll never get back up to finish. So I'm making a deal with myself.... I'll do on and off cleaning throughout each day. Today, for example, I'm focusing on the kitchen. I did a load when I first got home, then sat down on the computer. I'm getting ready to go unload the dishwasher and do another load. Then I'll sit down. Frequent breaks are what work best for me.  I wish that wasn't the way I was wired, but it is, and it's best if I recognize that and do something that works for me.

  Okay, so on another note, my best friend is about 7 months pregnant, which means I'm going to be an "aunt"! She's having a boy, I'm super excited to meet him! She came over to hang out the other day and little man decided to go ahead and move for me. Since we're not having a baby right now, I have to get my baby fix anyway I can. Hubby always groans whenever I'm around a baby or pregnant woman, because it makes me want another one so bad. *Sigh*

  On another note, if you don't know, I currently have 4 tattoos. When our tax return comes in, Hubby and I will be going to get new tattoos. It's been years for both of us (he has 1), and we've actually each been considering getting a sleeve done. This new ink will be the first of many. We're each doing a geek/favorite things mural. So I'll have Firefly, Star Trek, Merry Gentry, Anita Blake, and many more themed tattoos for mine. I'm so excited!

Do you have any tattoos? 
How are your resolutions going so far?

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